3 Days of Mountain Bike Races at Dominion Energy Riverrock
Mountain Bike Time Trial: A mountain bike time trial on the James River Park System’s trails with each participant going off in 1 minute.
Urban Assault Mountain Bike Race: Get ready to race your mountain bike on some of the best and toughest urban single track the East Coast has to offer. The James River Park trails will give local mountain bikers and visiting riders alike a chance to test their skills. The hard work and mostly volunteer effort that has gone into maintaining and developing these trails make the Urban Assault a race to remember. Even though we have a Beginner division, we wouldn’t recommend this race for newbies.
Sunday Funday Ride: A casual ride to include several STRAVA timed segments. This will be an opportunity to ride with friends or family, while pushing hard through several portions of the course.
Mountain Bike Bundle: Sign up for the 3 mountain bike events at one time and get a $5 discount (discount reflected in the price)